Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Tagine chicken with honey

 Tagine chicken with honey recipes Moroccan cooking poultry dishes nine pieces of chicken fillet.
    Tablespoons of olive oil.
Besltan Mtostta Size finely chopped.
Four cloves of garlic.
A cup and a half cup of chicken broth.
A glass of water.
Half a cup of skim dates cores.
¼ cup honey.
½ cup peeled and roasted almonds.
A teaspoon of cumin seeds.
Teaspoon ground coriander.
Teaspoon crushed ginger.
Half teaspoon turmeric.
Teaspoon of cinnamon powder.
½ teaspoon hot red pepper.
Quarter teaspoon nutmeg small.
Tablespoon chopped green coriander.
Salt as neededMETHODS:

Cut the chicken fillets into strips 3 cm in length. Heat the oil in a frying pan and oil Put the chicken in batches and stir chicken on the fire until it is brown and drain on absorbent paper to absorb excess fat. In the same pan, add a little oil and add onions, garlic, spices and salt and stir the mixture until tender onion and garlic and become Trien.
Add the fried chicken to the pan again with onions, garlic and spices and add the broth and water and leave the mixture covered over low heat for an hour, then Oasali Drain cover and cook for half an hour until the mixture condenses and becomes a little mature chickens.
Add the dates, honey, almonds and stir the mixture then Pour coriander on the face and the feet of a hot chicken casserole, and can provide a dish of rice beside him Muffil as desired.

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