Cabbage salad
1 cup cabbage.
1/2 carrot.
1 teaspoon minced white onion.
1 tablespoon and a half spoon white sugar.
Salt and pepper to taste.
1 large tablespoon milk.
2 tbsp mayonnaise.
1 tablespoon buttermilk.
1 teaspoon white vinegar.
1 teaspoon lemon juice.
1 tbsp toasted coconut and crushed.
How to prepareCabbage salad (Andrews)
Put the cabbage and carrots in prepared food.
Pour mixture of cabbage and carrots in a large bowl and Hrkoh with chopped onion.
Akhltoa remaining ingredients until smooth.
Asakboha over vegetable mixture and Akhltoha well.
Zinoha walnuts and they have made.
They covered the bowl and placed in the refrigerator two hours before serving.