Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The way the pastry with cheese

Ingredients warm water to knead 0.2 cup oil to the dough, 0.75 cup milk powder puff 0.3 tablespoon sugar to the dough, a small salt dough spoon, teaspoon instant yeast dough 0.2 tbsp flour for kneading 0.5 cup salt For the filling, if desired oil for filling 0.2 tablespoon parsley to charge 0.5 tablespoon of white cheese filling 0.2 trayHow to prepare- Start making the dough Vendev two cups of flour, milk powder, sugar, salt, yeast and warm water and Nhrkha well and leave for 15 minutes- Bring the mixture and add to him the rest of the flour mixture and Njn well so we have formed a cohesive dough (we can add a little flour if necessary)- Nberh cheese and add a chopped parsley, oil and Nhrkhm well- Extend to the surface of the dough and sprinkled with flour- Manfred filling the dough- And begin to roll the dough- Prepare dough Tkotaih knife and start cutting Roll the dough into pieces the size of 2 cm- Prepare oven tray with a little oil and Ndhnha- Half cut the dough Balsnah- Whisk egg and a bit of milk and brush the face cut out dough- Put the oven until her face reddens

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