Tea dregs 0.3 tbsp
Water 0.2 tbsp
Crushed black pepper, a tablespoon
Oil 0.3 tbsp
Salt, 2 tsp
Cinnamon 0.2 promises
Forgetting 0.2 Stars
Carnation 0.3 Pill
Chicken legs, skin and bone 0.8 man
Pickled onions to apply,How to prepare
- Mixed dregs tea with cinnamon, star anise, cloves and water in a deep bowl.
- Line the bottom of a rectangular oven tray with aluminum foil, the mixture inside the former Chinese placed above it and metal mesh.
- In a separate bowl, mixed with salt, black pepper and oil, marinate chicken legs mixture well and then stacked on top of metal grid.
- Chicken legs covered tightly with aluminum foil, lift the Chinese over medium heat, simmer for about an hour or until the chicken is fully matured.
- Stacked on presentation dish with a little pickled onions.
Tea dregs 0.3 tbsp
Water 0.2 tbsp
Crushed black pepper, a tablespoon
Oil 0.3 tbsp
Salt, 2 tsp
Cinnamon 0.2 promises
Forgetting 0.2 Stars
Carnation 0.3 Pill
Chicken legs, skin and bone 0.8 man
Pickled onions to apply,How to prepare
- Mixed dregs tea with cinnamon, star anise, cloves and water in a deep bowl.
- Line the bottom of a rectangular oven tray with aluminum foil, the mixture inside the former Chinese placed above it and metal mesh.
- In a separate bowl, mixed with salt, black pepper and oil, marinate chicken legs mixture well and then stacked on top of metal grid.
- Chicken legs covered tightly with aluminum foil, lift the Chinese over medium heat, simmer for about an hour or until the chicken is fully matured.
- Stacked on presentation dish with a little pickled onions.
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